It will be carried out the characterization of runoff water and furthermore, it will be done the characterization and suitability of the locations where the LIFE DrainRain pilot plants will be set up.
Specific requirements for the elements of the system will be defined: Photocatalytic concrete pavement, hydrodynamic separator, prefilter , filtration system , tank , sewer and drainage system , safety measures and sampling points.
For each LIFE DrainRain pilot, the necessary licenses and permits will be requested in order to execute construction works.
From the results obtained in A1 and A2 activities, and given the specific locations for each pilot, the design and detailed engineering will be performed.
The aim of B2 action is the construction and installation of pilots system in the defined sites; this will be done with the previously results obtained in B1 action.
Periodic analysis of runoff water will be conducted at control points along the system to monitor and control its performance as well as the pilots functionality.
In order to ensure the transferability and replicability, specific guidelines will be elaborate for geographical areas, entities and sectors.
Due to the reduced capacity of pilots, a low impact on receiving water bodies can be expected. However, the environmental benefits obtained will be measured in relation to the removal efficiency of the targeted pollutants attained by the pilots.
The positive environmental impacts in receiving water bodies expected from the implementation of the project at the two selected locations have been quantified and will be monitored throughout project development.
LIFE DrainRain project aims to mitigate the environmental impact of diffuse pollution over coastal and inland water bodies by implementing a treatment system to remove heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and suspended solids (SS). The objective of the present monitoring action is to evaluate the environmental impact of this technology by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology.
This action aims to evaluate the socio-economic impact of the water treatment technology developed in the LIFE RAIN DRAIN project from two different perspectives and scopes:
- The cost-efficiency of the technology will be evaluated by assessing a Life Cycle Cost Assessment. The objective of this analysis is to address the economic feasibility of the technology after it has been validated from the technical.
- A socio-economic analysis of the technology will be carried out to determine the effect of the LIFE project over local economy and population at the selected validation sites.
The public awareness & dissemination of the project are considered essential to guarantee it’s successful. This action will last throughout the entire project. A set of actions will be developed:
- Dissemination Plan (DP)
- Project Website
- Dissemination Materials
- Layman’s Report
The aim of this action is to promote the project networking actions with other projects and relevant stakeholders. Moreover the organization of seminars & workshops and the actively participation in events of interest will add value to the project allowing share knowledge and experiences, and establishing mechanisms for its further transference and replication.
PROYFE as coordinator will have the responsibility of full project management. Activities have been set to ensure the correct project technical & economical progress, to make possible the fulfilment of the contractual obligations with the Grant Agreement and according to the project’s objectives & the work plan.
PROYFE counts with experience in National and EU Projects Management, therefore the entity will assure the correct management. A Project Coordinator will be designated and will be fully available to partners, with a dedication of most of his working day to ensure the well project working.
This action will be focused on the development of a Communication Plan after the end of the project, which allows reaching an accurate outreach of the results achieved in the project, once finished its operation period. PROYFE, as the coordinating beneficiary, will produce it in order to achieve a wider transfer of the project’s results and experiences beyond the project, at national and EU level.