Networking with LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico

The communication and dissemination actions of the LIFE DrainRain Project (which are also co-funded by the European Union under the “LIFE 2015: Environment and Resource Efficiency” programme) include networking activities with other projects. These activities are aimed at promoting the transfer of knowledge and searching for synergies.

With this purpose, on June 20, 2018, a meeting was held in Lugo between the LIFE DrainRain and the LIFE Lugo + Biodynamic Projects, in which the different locations of the LIFE Lugo + Biodynamic Project were visited and a possible future collaboration between the two projects was considered.

The general objective of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project is to implement an innovative urban planning strategy in the city of Lugo. Actions will be applied in residential areas, to achieve a resilient urban landscape prepared to face and to minimise the effects of climate change. The specific objectives are to:

  • Produce a strategic plan for new urban development based on the promotion of the local timber industry and the sustainable management of forests;
  • Identify and valorise the Linear River Park, formed by the Miño, Rato and Fervedoira basins, as a Green Climatic Protection infrastructure;
  • Improve the environmental connectivity of the action plan area by implementing a multifunctional open-air space system;
  • Identify a set of proven solutions that can be implemented at a small scale to improve the climate change adaptation potential of urban areas;
  • Develop a strategy to boost the economy of the adjacent industrial complex of As Gándaras through new activities related to the bioeconomy sector;
  • Apply participating programmes to involve citizens in climate adaptation strategies;
  • Restore and implement demonstration actions for ecosystems in the area; and
  • Launch the portable wood pavilion ‘Impulso Verde’ (Green Impulse), which will emphasise the concept of ‘ultra-adaptability’ for future urban developments.

For more information, visit the project’s website:

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